Friday, March 20, 2015

If not sin, then what? Homosexuality as a teacher.

The next part of this series will answer the question, “If homosexuality is not a sin, then what is it?” I will answer that question by showing the role that homosexuality has played in my life, beginning with its first and foremost role: that of a teacher. (He's one of those odd-duck kind of teachers that you can't help but love....fabulously well dressed and lisps when lecturing....but I digress.)

These next posts will feature my attempts to crystallize the most important lessons I've learned from this fabulous teacher of mine. In all honesty, it's difficult to do...these lessons are deeply subjective and reflect on my entire experience as a human being, with all my messiness, weakness and lack of understanding. Further our language doesn't possess a lot of clear, plain vocabulary with which to describe it. I will be as plain as I can. 

Please bear with me. Remember that these posts represent my own thoughts, opinions and subjective experience. I'll try to reflect on spiritual and psychological truth as much as I can, but these aren't meant to make any kind of statement about the biological origins or eternal purposes of homosexuality, merely to open a window onto what my experience with it has taught me.

I will divide these into a series of principles that I will call “lessons” that I've derived from my experience with homosexuality.

I hope you will enjoy and be edified.

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